such, such were the joys.

By Chaps100


Happy Blip Birthday to Me. I'm so proud that I actually managed to do it.

I'm also quite proud of this shot. I just happened to go into the garden to see what was on show; I was going to try and make a 100 out of flowers, but I took this one randomly and I rather liked it. I don't know how the lighting came out like it did, because the sun was out and shining (for once). But it was a lovely surprise.

I had a Chemistry exam today. It went well I think. I hope. Although, I left a question blank. The first time ever. It was a balancing one where you have to put in numbers to make the elements on either side of the reaction balance and whatever I tried, it didn't work. I spent about twenty minutes on it when I remembered the time and decided to leave it and come back. Fortunately, however, no one who I've spoken to managed to get it either. So that's alright. And it was only one mark, so I'm not overly worried.

I'm now on the better side of being half way through. Six out of eleven. Next week's going to be tough though, but they're all of the units that I enjoy. So I'm rather looking forwards to it. Three weeks and it's all over.

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