Offcumden Cal

By Cal

After the storm

Today has been as promised, so wet and gloomy you literally needed a headtorch to walk around the house (or I guess you could've turned the lights on like an ordinary person...)
After a day spent in the honourable pursuit of clearing out teenage bedroom, the sun came out! I dashed outside and was greeted by a clamour of wildlife frantically making up for lost time. This included today's blip mouse, our rabbit, blackbirds, countless sparrows, pigeons (of course), a snail making stately progress across the lawn and a blue tit parent and last but not least, the sighting of a very bedraggled scrawny looking bird on the peanut feeder that was we're sure one of the bluetit fledglings. Hurrah!!
The sun is out now, so hoping they will dry out and warm up before their second night out in the open.

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