
By HelenJG

Bee Quick!

We had a earlyish start this morning to go an inspect the polishing job that had been done on part of Matt's new car (dealership did a very poor prep job and consequently it was covered in swirl marks when we picked it up). The test panel was much improved so they will keep it to do the rest. We spent most of the morning in Leicester trying in vain to find some lightweight, short sleeved shirts for work. The mission mostly failed. If anyone knows better places to look please let me know!

After pounding the city streets my pain and tiredness levels were just too high and so I ended up asleep in bed for most of the afternoon. So much so that I woke up with just a short time to get ready for our meal out, so had 5 minutes to try and grab a photo in the garden, so you have another bee, this time on a purple clematis, can't remember the variety.

Hope you had a good day!

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