If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Cow Parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris)

What should have been a quick simple task developed into and epic. We needed to pop out to the lodge to do a quick simple measuring job. As I turned off the more main road onto aside road that has the entrance to the lodges there was a large articulated lorry just in front of me. He stopped! Due to the position and the cars parked at the local school across the road I couldn't over take. Fortunately he started to move after a few seconds.

Horror of horrors he turned into the lane leading up to the lodges. So we followed him very slowly as he knocked pieces of tree off along the 500 yard lane. Then he came to the junction of roads between the two sets of lodges. Clickychick decided she would get out and see if he needed help to find whichever lodge he was delivering to. Oh boy did he need help, he thought he was en route to an agricultural merchant (about half a mile away on a completely different road). She explained this to him and he pulled forward which let us into where we were going and another car out.

So we had a quick chat with the current guests and I measured up for the wood I needed. When I got back in the car - no lorry. Great I assumed he had turned in the road junction while we were busy. No such luck! He had decided to reverse down the lane onto the road and then back out on to the main road. As you can imagine this was a slow job but eventually he managed and we got away.

In the excitement (well puzzlement really) I didn't think to take any shots so by the end of the day I was blipless. So here you have a quick shot of Cow parsley. Our roadside verges are currently white with it.

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