
By EvelyneNC

Walk on the wild side...

Street vibrations, a teaser in spring for the big motorcycle event in September that makes the streets really rumble for more than a week.
I just walked around downtown and took many shots to catch the atmosphere a bit.
On Flickr I uploaded 5 more to give you an idea.

Here you see an albino Myanmar Boa Constrictor as the handler told me and I liked this intense face on his tattooed arm. He had two snakes that he called babies, two years old.
Very hot today!

And thank you very much for comments stars and heart for the Euphorbia , as well as for your opinion about the two choices. Only two of you liked the one on Flickr better. Tomorrow will be the arrival of my daughter with her boyfriend and the birthday of my husband. So, still a lot of things need to be prepared!

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