Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Blossoming boy

With today being the weekend, we headed in to Carlsbad Village for a nice family brunch at Daily News Cafe. The wee man spotted these flowers while we were waiting to be seated. Without prompting he ran straight over, bent down and took a deep breath and released a great big 'aaaahhh' - much to the delight of the other patrons.

It didn't stop there. As I bent down to fetch a toy that had fallen from the table I inadvertently bumped my head on the table. The wee man found this hilarious, especially as I repeated it again, and again, and again. Five minutes later, we all had tears running down our cheeks. The wee man was laughing hysterically and the manager came over to thank us for brightening his day.

The wee man spent the afternoon napping, splashing and playing with his toys. Daddy managed to get Netflix hooked up via the PS4 so he now has access to the back catalogue of Pixar films. What have we let ourselves in for?

If that wasn't enough, we're heading up to Disneyland tomorrow. I would say it was for the wee man's benefit but I'm not ashamed to say that it's a rather selfish birthday present to me.

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