
By OCDman

Passages of Time

Fellow blipper misswinterfinch yesterday posted as part of her blip a clock. I thought this a clever idea in the context of the blip and she suggested a clock themed blip day and so this is my take on it.

This is my Great Grandfathers clock presented to him in 1906 when he retired from the London Metro Police after 35 years of service. This clock is steeped in family history and I can only begin to imagine what he saw during the second half on the 1800's and into the early 1900's. I am a great believer in family and all that is stands for and cannot wait to be with most of them again in a couple of weeks.

P.S It is a chimer and I am not allowed to have it going as the tick is also very loud and annoy's someone who shall remain nameless.

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