One day at a time <3

By wildflowerxo


Today was my fiance's sisters wedding :D.

I just went to the reception but even that was a big deal for me. I've been struggling with my anxiety and leaving the house and I was pretty scared (but determined!) about going.

I'm not gonna lie, it was really hard. The drive there I was building up to catastrophe in my head. For a good half an hour there was tears and I want to go homes on the drive outside the venue. But with fantastic friends and family I managed to stay two hours, take pictures, chat and generally kick my anxiety in the butt!

I wish things like this were easy for me (and I hope one day very soon they are easy) but currently I have to battle through and that's ok because it shows me how strong I am and that with positive thinking and good people around me I can do anything I put my mind to.

Above is my fiance's brothers girlfriend, my fiance's little sister and me :)

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