Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Open farm Sunday

Glorious weather today. It's been about 24 degrees and the sun has been shining all day. My arms and neck are the proof!

We met up with grandma & grandad at one of the local farm parks that had a free open day today. There was loads to do, including all the usual animals and farm bits, there was a craft fair and extra activities for the kids. P got a temporary tattoo of a dinosaur and also did some sand art. As always though the play park was the highlight of the day and she busied herself on the slide and play house whilst we sat and had a picnic, soaking up the sun.

I love this picture that grandma took of the 3 generations of Mr J's. A is 5 months old today and I was planning on using his monthly picture for today's blip, but this one won hands down.

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