Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

Stuck in the mud..........

Left early in the morning with three colleagues to present a report at three different Presbytery meetings. It was cool in the morning but usually when we leave Mzuzu the weather changes and it gets much warmer so I didn't bring a sweater! However as we got out of Mzuzu the weather got worse and much colder and I did not have a pleasant day! We reached Kalikumbi close to the Zambia border for the first meeting - they were running late so we had to wait before presenting our reports. Eventually after lunch we set off for the next meeting a good 2 hour drive away - again we had to wait and left there around 5.30pm for the next destination another good 2 hours away. By this time I was tired and hungry.........we presented our reports and were offered food thankfully with hot tea which was great! Then we had to make our way home in the fog to Mzuzu which was another two hours away. Negotiating broken down vehicles at night on the roads in Malawi is not a joke and we were all exhausted by the time we reached Mzuzu at 12 midnight! As we went to drop a colleague at his home we had to turn back because the road was a quagmire and many vehicles were stuck in the mud. This is the picture I took through the window - I had been down this road the day before and it was completely dry but it had rained heavily all day!

Exhausted and going to sleep.............

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