Panini (Nottingham)

This one's for middleman. Not sure which of these loonies is becoming most obsessed by the rapidly burgeoning World Cup sticker collection. Tom got them started when the two of them went shopping one afternoon in the week and he, having an M&S gift voucher to spend, discovered that they sold the albums and stickers there (since it's not one of his usual haunts, fashionwise, I think he'd previously decided to spend it on as many Percy Pigs as he could stretch too!) Anyway, World Cup anticipation is now rising, swaps are being arranged with like-minded nutters and there was a brief moment of general panic yesterday when the local Co-op sold out of packs of stickers!

Music-wise, today was quiet. And when I did listen, later on and washing up after Jamie's 'Mothership' brisket, I needed something a little soothing for various reasons that I'll not go into here...

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