I'm not afraid of anything!*

Up early, off to sangha, a pleasant walk along the promenade. Dr T was feeling brighter so we went into town to watch The Wizard of Oz in the Grassmarket. It was wonderful! The sun shone, there was dancing and we all got to sing along.

It's one of Dr T's favourite films and watching it today I wondered if it's really a semi-religious tale. Four strangers meet, each feeling that having something (or being somewhere) would make them complete. They undertake a journey to see a wizard on the advice of a good witch. They face danger on the way in the form of a wicked witch. When they arrive in Oz, the doorman says that no one can see the wizard - that no one has ever seen the wizard! After some tears, they are granted an audience. The wizard tells them that he'll grant their wishes if they bring back a relic from the figure of evil. When they return, triumphant, the wizard tells them they have what they were looking for all along. Fascinating! It's also a rather lovely tale about the wonders of friendship.

Afterwards we wandered off to the Meadows Festival. Much stuff was on sale. These whistles looked a little forlorn to me. Dr T then returned home and I did some errands. Now here we are, nearly 8:30 pm on a lovely night, about to go for a stroll along the prom-prom-prom.

Today's earworm

* except a lighted match

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