Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At home: Making friends......

The new livery horses are a lovely sight to look out on. They are organised by their electric fencing into tidy spaces across the field. I should add that they are not just organised like this to look pretty, but more to keep the whole field grazed down evenly. Horses, when in the field in one herd are tidy on their own. Almost over efficiently. They will create a toilet area, and also favourite grazing areas. They will also have areas they they routinely scratch, shelter, and mooch. The toilet area becomes the most fertilised too, and the least grazed. Thats is the problem, because only these areas of the paddock will be worn away or left, very unevenly.

The most ideal would be to rotate the horses around the fields. We do that. We also harrow the toilet area out across the whole field when its rested, thus fertilising the whole. The next best thing would be run cattle or sheep in behind the horses, because they eat all the things that the horse are picky about. Its a tricky thing managing horses and their owners. I know many people who are better at me at it. That said, these ones seem to be doing ok for the minute.

Sam enjoys meeting the new horses. A scratch and pat and a friend made.

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