The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Jezzie's first shot on the rope swing

... in the Weyhouse fields, behind our house. Jezzie's brothers stayed here one summer and went down to the 'ropey' every day on their own, just as we did in Barcaldine forest in Argyll, when we were nippers on holiday.

Blipfoto app has just deleted the story I wrote for this day. ********1@!!!!!!
More anon. I need to go bed after my tiring night singing my heart out last night. I'm only surprised there were no arrests.

LATER: We'd planned to go to a party, which I thought was a drinks party, but turned out to be a BBQ, only with the sausages cooked inside... yeah, I know! Making no sense already. Then we got a call to say a friend was in crisis, so we decided to have one drink at the party, and go to see other friend. Then we couldn't find the back gate of the party house....Eventually, we drove across town to the friend in crisis. We thought she would be 'tired and emotional' and tearful, but she cheered up and forced us to sing karaoke songs, very loudly, through a mic, in her quiet street. Her daughter and friend were filming us. Thank goodness I am no longer working at her daughter's after school club! We only drunk a bottle of wine between us, but it was crazy. Fortunately we were allowed to leave before 2am. We'd left Jezzie behind under CleanSteve's care. It was actually great fun, but I was worried about the drive back home. Our friend is a great singer, but Kate and I are really, really bad, and kept choosing heavy metal songs or Meatloaf (remember, we didn't know this was going to happen) and then not being able to hit the low notes. We've decided that if it ever happens again, we will choose Tina Turner numbers.

Our friend goes in to hospital for an operation on Friday, which is what she was upset about. I'm going to go and try and see her afterwards on the day.

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