It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Jaw Dropping Sunrise!!!

Look at this for a sunrise! Isn't Mother Nature on form today!

As I nearly got home this morning Gaz rang me again to say the sky was going pink....from our house it wasn't pink at all but I went out on the hunt anyway and decided to drive to my fav spot near the village of Marton.

On my way out good job I was cruising at 40 MPH as The fuzz were out in a lay-by either about to finish their shift or enjoying the sunrise before they went out to catch bad guys!

May I add this was about 4:40am

I came to a halt in the next lay-by to find my fav set of trees and field bathed in this genuine pink light! It was breath taking I have to say. No added colour in this at all!

Hope you enjoy it.

The Im Behind On Commenting Draco Dragon xx

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