
By Aliscotia


I did it! Can’t quite believe it!

I joined blip (thanks to Paullapalmyre for suggesting it) to improve my photography. I think I have achieved my goal due to being inspired by the many amazing photographers who I follow and also through taking lots of photos every day in order to get my blip. I reckon I have taken 3500 pictures I would not have taken during the year without blip. With holiday shots as well I have probably taken 6000.

What I didn’t realise, is what a social network it would become and how much I would enjoy the exchanges that ensue.

Thank you all for your creative and imaginative approaches to photography that have taught me to look at things differently and thank you for all your comments over the past year. Thanks also to my facebook friends for their comments and support. A massive thanks to Robin who gave me my camera and is instrumental in the daily “which shot to blip” decision making process!

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