Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Margaret's Honeysuckle.

The week has started rainy and close here in Rishton.
I went for a walk earlier and noticed Margaret's fragrant honeysuckle.
Margaret is in her mid nineties and I am in awe of her resilience, good humour and sense of family.
She has a beautiful garden with a small emerald green lawn.
There is a feeding station for the wild birds and many well established shrubs and trees.
I took this photo of the honeysuckle as the rain had stopped but soon after it was pouring down.
The weather changes are quite rapid today, and now the sun is shining and patches of blue sky are visible.
A little information about honeysuckle.
The flowering period is around June to August.
The botannical name is Lonicera caprifolium.
If used as a Bach Flower remedy, it is the Red Honeysuckle.
This can be used for those who live too much in the past.
Red Honeysuckle was introduced from Holland.
There are wild hybrids and what are called garden escapes!
There is also a yellow version of this fragrant plant.
I tend to stick with English plant names, but the honeysuckle family come under the name Caprifoliaceae, and can be woody vines, shrubs or small trees.
It is hard to type with a wriggling cat, Tiffany, on my lap.
Have a good Monday blipper friends.
Happiness Quote:
"What do you hold sacred in your life?
Whatever it is , nuture it."

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