out of the shadows

By MrsHart3

A little off the top please.....

Today was Alice's first haircut
She has been blessed with beautiful thick wavy dark hair
She will spend most of her adult life straightening it and dying it blonde.

How do I know this?
Because the hair fairy always gives you the opposite of what you really want
So, I was blessed with poker straight, mousy coloured hair
When what I really wanted was tumbling, wavy locks of pre-raphaelite auburn.
Hair that I could toss haughtily
Or peer thru seductively
Hair that I could twist up and fasten with one pin
Hair, that when I took a hat off, didn't look like it still had the hat on!

The good news?
All those ladies out there with tumbling, pre-raphaelite, auburn curls
Are secretly coveting my mousy straightness

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