Poxy Music

T-shirt detail. It's hanging on the line to dry but also in an attempt to bleach it in the sunshine as it's lost it's brightness slightly.

Mr H often drops hints that he'd like skid pan training, racing car experiences or butchery courses. . . instead he gets t-shirts, usually quirky, interesting (IMO) and ones you don't see too often. Here is an example.

So sorry to hear about Rik Mayall today. Quite tragic. I think he was, an remains very influential in the comedy world.

I guess 'More than this' is one of my fave Roxy Music tunes but the video is a little unsettling and I am in an imagery mood today. Lying on a huge 1970s OTT carpet is just perfect ....sharing for the imagery

I completely get the female character in that snippet. . .and is that really Daniel Craig (it doesn't look like him to me)? If so Fliss, if you are reading, take note. . .nah I still don't know what you see in him, give me Timothy Dalton instead (I know I am in the very small minority on that one!) but I am eagerly awaiting the day the present 007 hangs up his boots!

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