
By stujphoto

A Lick of Paint...

For some time I have thought that the lighthouse at Barns Ness cold do with a lick of paint as there are patches where the paint has crumbled away. It’s no wonder when the sole use this decommissioned lighthouse has served for the last two or three years is as a site for a charity abseiling event which I am sure would not improve the plasterwork. I had visions of painters using the abseiling technique painting over the bare patches. Never for one minute did I consider that they might clad the whole lighthouse in scaffolding in order to give it a lick of paint. I just can’t imagine what this paint job is going to cost by the time the scaffolding is completed. The scaffolders, though there are only a couple or more working at one time, have already been working on it for several days and they are just over halfway up. LaFarge, the cement company which now owns the building, must have large pockets if it can afford to spend so much on a decommissioned lighthouse, though I guess as a listed building they may have to spend some money on its upkeep.

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