R.I.P. Miss Lola 15.12.2008 - 9.6.2014

Late last night when it was a time to hold our sweet little guinea pigs on my lap I noticed that something was wrong with Miss Lola. She was throwing up water and was a bit feeble. We started to give her liquids, vitamin c and gruel with a squirt every half an hour. Hubby had only 4 hours sleep, me a bit more.

In the morning we noticed that Lola was collapsed. The vet opened at 8:00 and we left there early to get her put to sleep asap. When I took Lola from her nest she started to spasm. All the way to the vet she had death struggle on my lap and just when we arrived to the parking area of the vet she died.

In the evening we had beautiful funeral. We buried Lola under a maple tree, burnet rose bushes and lily of the valleys.

A small animal - a big sorrow.

We'll miss you Lola. <3

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