1500 Behind Us!

Red Number Day

1500s behind us
my model, assistant
celebrant capped
vested and posing
nothing up her sleeves
old polaroid spitting
announcing my day
without film but fanfare
that’s mostly for her
willing as always to
shine once again

i’ve longed for the icon
all sparkling and red
just the thing for two aries
cat assistant and self
with 1500 behind us
this blipplicious day
overflowing with thanks
for blipcentral and friends
for changing my vision
for helping me see
the ordinary, extraordinary
in each quick
camera click

For the Record,
This day came in rainy damp and humid, with absolutely no light for a 1500 day shot, but we managed.Thanks to our Raspberry, 50mm and luck.

1500 blips, no gaps, no backblips

All hands healthy


When they got along for my 500th.

The vest is a photo of a vest given to me, snapped and cat-sized and coaxed into shape, stapled to her collar from several shots in the past . The Scally cap was my great grandfather Hanson's also photographed, cut and sized for her little round head, affixed with duct tape and worn oh so well.

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