On the Way to the Beach

There are fines for a car driver using a mobile telephone while driving, but there is no law forbidding a taxi driver from abusing a bus with a large water pistol.

It was all fun and games this morning in Princes Street with a long cavalcade of decorated taxis preceded by police outriders on motor cycles adorned with balloons making their way through the city, taking special needs children to the beach for their annual jamboree.
I do hope they missed the heavy rain at lunch time, although I suspect the weather would not spoil the party.

For the mechanically minded amongst you, the news about the car after its assessment at the garage this morning is that the patient has a faulty clutch. Without a NHS service for cars, it will all be sorted with the hand over of 500 shekels.
I couldn't help but think that for this I could have bought a nice shiny new IPad mini: His Lordship though that this was a typically self serving thought, but I rest my case.

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