
Carrying litter to be sorted, not so different from the girl in amritsar back at the end of April, but up here, in this landscape, the bike must make such a difference. On the old Kasol side of the bridge a tented camp of those who trawl the landscape for sellables; a familiar sight, still, across the whole of the land. But in this landscape.

Today's wander was to the end of the road, a small village above a dam and hydro electric works. It's possible to go further, kir ganga and it's hot springs....But that would be another would the ideal of the parvati to pin valley trek...the himalaya towering at the end of the road winding up the hills, passing yet more unlikely villages, occasional shops, goats and sheep being herded. The overlapping ages under the snowline, the river opaque, far below, a place of wonder; again the overwhelming sense of power, of incredible forces across ages. In this place you expect gods and monsters, a crazed pantheon to befit the landscape.

And it's almost time to head back up to manali...

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