
By mar

Always look on the brightside of life...

Today I could have uploaded so many different photos.

First, I could have taken a photo of the front of the house where a vehicle decided to crash into. Or I could have taken a picture of the candles, which were the only source of light and heat from 3pm till 11pm (then off and on). Or I could have taken a picture of the 1/2 cooked pork roasted dinner that had to be thrown out in place of a meal out as, as stated above, we had no electric and dinner wasn't done.

But instead, I'm posted this picture of Charlotte as she was our little shinning light. Not once did she complain or moan and instead came up with ingenious ideas to keep us entertained (including reading by candlelight .. 'just like the Victorian kids used to do,'; Ispy with flashlights and, my favorite, Word Association.

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