The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Ladies that Lunch

I had a monster mad day.

BBC Radio Lincs at 6.45am. On BBC Look North breakfast show, then ore-recorded for the 9am BBC Radio lincs show, discussing British values! Flew in the Z4 to newark for a meeting, flew back to Lincoln for two more. Popped in to Cafe Portico to meet a pal and her little girl for a speedy salad, then off to a long four hour meeting and then met a prospective student and parents at the end of the day. Home by 7pm, bags packed for tomorrow and I've just written two more policies. Now an article to write for the Lincolnite - due to be published on Thursday! - and then maybe some snooze.

So this was a speedy blip at lunch...!

If you want to send yourself to sleep...

me talking!

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