Cinderella in biker boots

A day of visiting elderly relatives, including my feisty and very ancient aunt who was knocked down by a motorcycle last week. She’s in hospital with a badly smashed hip, which is not a great outlook for anyone approaching ninety.

Along the way I collected several photo request refusals.

Alana, the cleaner at my mother’s nursing home, said no because she hates her uniform, and didn’t think she looked glamorous enough - “I’m not wearing my earrings”.

My aunt always refuses, and dived under the hospital sheets.

A Muslim family said no on religious grounds.

Some lads setting up a funfair in a nearby park said no, because they were working while on the buroo.

Luckily, I'd managed to ambush Alana in the car park when her shift finished, by which time she'd put on her earrings.

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