minnie me

By bmm


Between everything else going on today (work, lunch out with a friend, yoga), I managed to do a lot of cooking.

Dinner was a slow-cooked Thai beef curry with eggplant - or at least some version of it. It came out good, but more on the 'beef stew' side versus a Thai dish. I'll adjust next time I try making it.

I also made a 3-bean salad with the green beans and red onion I got at the farmer's market on Sunday (the other ingredients were store bought). It an easy salad that keeps well... makes for a good, healthy lunch during the week.

And early this evening I made a huge pot of Dahl with a bag of red lentils I had. It's a very easy and cheap recipe to make - I freeze most of it in small containers and use a little at a time. I enjoy it for breakfast of all things!

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