David Jackson is grateful

David and I were both speakers tonight at SuperThank. He told a powerful story of gratitude for his wife Diane, who had no idea he was going to talk about her until he began. Listening to eight stories of gratitude left us all close to levitating.

In about ten days we'll get a Sound Cloud version of tonight's event, and if I remember, I'll post it then. I was both a storyteller and the designated photographer for the night. Full set is here.

Meanwhile, more terrible news from the USA. Another school shooting. I can't bear to talk about it.

What Sustains

The more I am hollowed
by the fire, the more my ribs
spread like the tree of life.

The more I am washed
by the tears of others, the more
my heart rounds like an ocean shell.

The more stories I tell
of how one picks up another,
the more my hands open
like scoops for grain.

To be what others drink,
to be what others stand on
to reach what they love--
we should be so lucky
to be worn to this.

--Mark Nepo.

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