
Found this little guy just chillin' in a little recess in Hosier Lane today. As you can see he's tiny, only 3 and a half bricks high. Probably only seen by blippers and little kids.

Another super hectic day in the office today, it certainly makes the time fly if nothing else. It was certainly head down and bum up all day.

Got some positive new about two of our projects in Town Planning at the moment, keeping my fingers crossed for some stamped plans next week.

Still pushing through this bloody head cold, wish it would just realise that I don't need it right now and go away.

MsMun decided she needed to work a full day today too, so I had to pick up the kidletts from Linda's house after work, visit Coles to pick up some dinner supplies and made a pasta bake which I know both of them love to eat.

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