twinned with trumpton


Sign o the Times

Long sleep; even drifted back off for an hour at 6am; things are looking better!

Out on visits; did some prep with coffee in one hand, then took elder one to school (not done that midweek in a while), then off up the cycle paths of Edinburgh on a sunny sunny day.

Fairly straightforward morning, all went according to plan, bar running into Bob; we came from opposite directions at Craigleith; he was heading to work after doc appointment. Sadly, within ten seconds of seeing him, he caught a flat; nail thru tyre...!
Still it's an ill wind, we chatted for 10 minutes whilst he fixed it and then we cycled to his work at Canonmills, catching up on Lyme's Disease (not gone, fully) etc.

I then ended up at Lochend before heading into the office.

My WTF moment was walking past council HQ and seeing a bunch of street signs. Especially poignant is Gulliver Street - I was there last week and couldn't find it - there's no sign. And now I now why, cos it's lying in the basement in a pool of water. Great...

Anyway, popped into the office, handed in paperwork, schmoozed with the masses, and out. Was supposed to be way out south but she called off, so I meandered out the canal and slowly wound my way from Gorgie to Leith, picking up a scooter on my travels for the elder one's birthday next week.

Difficult last visit, and then finally home, face is fried from having been out in the baking sun all day. I will look bronzed (after the scarlet subsides)

Quiet evening in, methinks. Sow beans in trays; need to get them on for a harvest in late summer.

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