Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

From another perspective

Those that have followed my journal over the years will be more than aware of my involvements in raising money and awareness for breast cancer research and care. Last year we took an extra step and rather than just completing one midnight marathon in my bra, we did 3, London, Edinburgh and Iceland. As per usual, I like to take a break year from walking and volunteer at the Edinburgh Moonwalk marathon instead. Previous years I have been a marshal, out on the street all night, clapping, cheering, smiling and generally encouraging the tired walkers.

This year I asked if I could be on the finish line. It was a very different experience and gave me chance to see a side of the event that I've never witnessed before. My friend K, The Boy and I turned up at 6pm for our first shift. We were on tattoos and balloons until the walkers started at 11:30am. The next five hours were spent attempting not to dribble too much water down the walkers as we applied fake tattoos. It was nice to be able to meet so many walkers, chat with them, hear why they were there and encourage the first timers.

This shot was taken in the tent, before any walkers arrived, a scene I have never seen before.

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