Just a parrot's life

By ellenparrots

My hometown Dordrecht (NL)

oday I had an appointment at the local authority to renew my passport. Oh Miss?? You also have an ID card per 2010. Do you have that one with you too?? No!! I didn’t know that I had to bring that card too, so I could go home and had to come back later today. Luckely I found the old ID and next Wednesday I can get my new passport pfffff…. After that I thought.. well.. I am in “downtown” Dordrecht so I took a walk through a part of the old city… sat on a terrace with a beer…. Walked some more…. And hoppa.. another terrace.. with a good white beer and chicken salad. LOL.
The walk back to the trainstation went soooo smoothly. ROFLOL (had 3 beers!)

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