
By elsie

Doctors and nurses

A bad accident meant one of the main roads near home was closed for hours today and traffic chaos ensued, so I came home from work early to make sure I could get to the children. As it happened, the road reopened as I was en route so the gridlock I expected had all but gone. Meant we had time to grab some tea and do the 'big shop' on the way home. Ugh. Never again! Whatever possessed me to take 2 children to a supermarket in the witching hour? Crazy. L just wanted a cuddle and some milk, D wanted everything on the shelves and kept filling the trolly with 'essentials' for our camping trip - like sweets, toys, more sweets, a few plant pots... you get the picture. Then just as we get to the checkout and I'm packing the bags, he decided he needed the toilet (for the third time since we got there, i might add!). Bless him, lovely old man on the till packed for me and entertained Lily in the trolly while we legged it to the loo as despite my protestations that he could wait, there was a lot of jiggling going on. Dafty.

They just managed to squeeze in a quick game of doctors and nurses before bed. They are very excited about going for a sleepover at their cousins house tomorrow and then camping for the weekend.

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