Mags' Moments

By MagsMoments


Weather’s still a bit strange, but at least it brightened up a bit this evening for our last wander of the day.

Much of the riot of colour that was here in May has now faded and taken on earth tones with an occasional flash of vivid pink from the oleanders along the water channels and streams. The grey green of the olives and the stronger green of the pines and the citrus trees remain and the burgeoning vines are now at their most verdant, but most things are looking a bit dry and dusty, despite a little rain. In fact, it is the rain that has been the culprit for much of the dusty look, leaving, as it does here sometimes, droplets with fine sand on the foliage (and all over my terrace!) which become grubby looking splodges once the rain evaporates.

But there are still some pockets where the wild flowers are holding out and in the dusk this blue and yellow combination here caught my eye. Nothing flashy, just a few simple blooms brightening up the verge at evening and providing a little gentle colour at close of day.

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