Seattle's species of CRANE
Yesterday I spent 30 minutes on the phone trying to renew our prepaid cell phone to no avail. So today we walked 25 min to the trolley (South Lake Union Trolley=SLUT....)and then rode 15 minutes to downtown to the Verizon store where it was fixed in 2 minutes! In person works best. Along the way I counted cranes in this area of Seattle - I think I lost count at 14…here are 4 in one shot out of the trolley window. “Fastest growing city in the USA”, this area of South Lake Union is being transformed. And the buildings and the art are truly nothing special.
H’s brother and sister-in-law from Durango, CO arrived this afternoon for a 3 day visit. So good to see them! We walked back to South Lake Union to a great crab restaurant on the water on a perfect summer night to watch boats and seaplanes and eat a fabulously yummy dinner. More with them tomorrow…..and the whole rest of the family….
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