Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Reflections ....

OMG! We only had a few drizzles this aft and we had this thing called SUN that I had almost forgotten about for the rest of the day! Sat out late in the garden after a BBQ, watching the sunset and making the most of being rainless.

Spent the morning at the stables with my boys. Aren't they gorgeous?! I hadn't realised how similar they were till I looked at this pic of the two of them together. We had a nice ride through the woods (Katie on Jack - v brave she has not ridden for 20 years!) and me on Lime.

Then Lime and Jack had to go to the Dentist :0( I have always used the vet for Jack's teeth but a friend was having the horseydentist so I decided to get Lime checked out because he's new and not sure when he was last done. His back teeth were in really bad shape - the sharp edges were actually cutting into his tongue. She said he must have been in quite a bit of pain with them and was surprised I had not had problems riding him! So just goes to show what a lovely nature he has.

The horsey dentist was so good - she had such a calm way with them. The vet uses a gag to clamp open the horses mouth and then rasps down their teeth. This lady gets the horse to chew down on the rasp so they actually do their own teeth - no gag involved! With the vet you have to really hang onto the horse and it's not terribly pleasant. With her, I didn't even have to hold onto them. I just laid the lead rope over their neck and let her get on with it.

She was so great that I decided to ask her to have a look at Jack's teeth even though they are not due to be done as i recently had them done by the vet . I am so glad I did as she said his were worse than Lime's and were digging in the side of his cheek. You could almost see the look of relief in his eyes as she got off the sharp edges. I am pretty annoyed that the vet - a so called professional has charged be £60 odd a few months ago and done such a bad job! And I felt awful that Jack has also been in pain all this time but has not been behaving badly. Just goes to show what a lovely boy he is!

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