I own up to more bad habits than a lady with many bad habits, but wasting food is not usually one of them.
Hence the saving of this onion, found in the depths of the fridge, having been forgotten for as long as it took for it to sprout so energetically.
At one time it was earmarked for a pot of soup, but was spared in favour of its twin, and was left to snuggle in the companionable darkness close to the lemon that was earmarked for the gin and tonic that never happened.
I think they have both exceeded their shelf lives by several months.
The car is back from the car hospital having had its engine removed, a new clutch installed and is now being treated as a lady would be after a hysterectomy- easy going and no heavy carrying.
Apparently the load of bikes, tents and luggage we were carrying to the Hebrides with it's many hills hastened the demise of the old clutch.
His Lordship has decreed that we try and be a little more discerning about what we take to Orkney next month which probably means we will take everything but leave out the kitchen sink.
Edit: The onion has gone back into the fridge- you never know, it could yet be used.
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