
By NamaKris

Bleeding Heart

This flower is a fuschia, but it reminds me of a bleeding heart.
Portland had another shooting in a high school and a loss of life. My daughter's friend taught the boy who killed another student and injured a teacher. She shared a post from another teacher who also had him as a student.

"Whenever there is a school shooting, people use the word "evil" in their discussions of the shooter. I taught the boy who did the shooting at Reynolds yesterday, for two years. I can tell you that he was not evil. He was gentle, shy, kind, sensitive, curious, playful... He had the most surprising smile, that would light up his eyes. He was a child. Obviously, he was a child who had reached a very broken, desperate and hopeless place. The evil lies in us. I was asked today if I "saw this" in him. Would that matter if I had? There are almost no mental health services left for children in poverty. I see broken children everyday and feel powerless to truly help them. No, I did not "see this" in him. He was not evil. He was a child, who died at his own hand, in a bathroom stall. I am heartbroken for him, his family ...for all of us. The evil is in us, until we put our children above ALL else."

My heart goes out to the family that lost their son who was murdered. He was 14, had a surprising smile, was kind and sensitive, too.

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