These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Carter's tooth

Carter is getting another tooth! And his Mama is really good at showing it off! And, according to this picture, he likes showing it off too! :)

We had a fun day at home today. Tyler had preschool and Mia and I hung out at home this morning. Kelly and the kids came over for a playdate and for lunch and we had a good ol time!

This afternoon, I took a nap while the kids got into things they shouldn't and played very nicely together. Then, after I got up, we had a miniature birthday party for Mr. Bear, played some basketball and took a walk around the block. Tyler pouted about the walk, but after he realized he could climb all the "snow mountains" left over from a snow we had in the middle of December, he was thrilled! We had a very slow, fun walk around the block, climbing all sorts of mountains!

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