Letting Go of Third Grade

Such mixed emotions for The Sugar today. She is so ready to embrace SUMMER, but letting go of other things is hard. This is a photo of her teacher and her giving each other a heartfelt hug. Her teacher had just finished expressing her appreciation for who Sugar is, and how much she will miss her. It was touching, and really meant a lot to each and every single child. Beautiful. Sugar will miss being in this teacher's class so very much.

If it was only the "missing of Third grade", it might have been easier, but Sugar was also having to say goodbye to the building her school has resided in. She has been here 3 years, and it has become a second home to her. The school is moving to a different space next year, and so many things are up in the air. This is hard for my girl who isn't a fan of change. She is trying to think positive, but it doesn't mean it was easy to see an end of an era. Poor girl. Such a big day. I was happy that I could be there to share this last day with her.

We took our traditional photo, so I could make a collage. Here is the one from the FIRST DAY of Third Grade and here is the one we made TODAY!

We'll have to find a new special place to take our first and last day of school photos...and I'm sure it will be just as special.

We headed home after school got out, and and had some lovely time together. We checked on Taffy bunny, and she had delivered her babies while we were away. Sadly, three did not make it, an only two are in the nest. This can be very common for a first litter. We are crossing our fingers for the two in the nest. One is VERY tiny. Send positive thoughts our way. We are hopeful.

A friend stopped by on their way home for a little while. The girls had fun playing in Sugar's room, and us mom's enjoyed a chat out in the sun.

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