'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Micro Adventures on a School Night!

Camping on a school night - just brilliant! This was last night's bath and this morning's washing bowl! Our Micro Adventure started at 6.15pm last night and ended at 6.45am this morning! In that time we set up camp, Justin cooked supper of salmon, asparagus and potatoes whilst I drank wine! We swam in the river, chatted happily, I told a terrible story with the story cubes whilst J demonstrated his fabulous imagination and rich vocabulary! Eventually darkness fell and we snuggled in sleeping bags in the tent with Tigris (J's dog) in her very own! The morning brought a 5am start, quick packing up and tea & bacon butties before heading back to Justin's for a shower and the drive to school. Such a perfect way to spend an evening! Definitely felt like being on holiday. Must do more! Thank you Justin!

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