
By jojobunny

Time to lay the eggs

I can't believe the things I see while at work!
Today, as I was driving in, I noticed a big snapping turtle laying in the grass. I grabbed the camera and walked over to where she was and noticed her digging a hole. I knew then she was getting ready to lay her eggs!
I had never seen this before, and found it fascinating! I took some photos and went inside to find out more about the turtles habits.
According to what I read, the common snapping turtle will find a spot near the water. It takes about 30 min. to and hour for her to lay the eggs. She then covers them with dirt, using her legs. The eggs won't hatch for 75- 90 days, depending if any are left, due to predators, such as fox, raccoons, herons, etc.
After female lays the eggs, she leaves the nest. The poor little turtle eggs are on their own, until they hatch, and hopefully make it the pond!
I will keep my eye on the nest, which has now been roped off. I hope I can witness the hatching! :)

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