
A quick trip down to see some friends at Selsey today. What a beautiful day for it! I don't think I've ever been to Selsey before, but it was much nicer than I was expecting. We had a stroll along the beach past these sunbathing folk before heading back for a lovely lunch in the garden. And what a garden - so many plants and so much colour - I'm very envious. And they've even got a folly in the walled garden (it's a big garden!).

Then the evening was taken up with a quiz with my old workmates in their local pub. A sort of a farewell evening for me, but mostly a chance for people to get together outside of work. That's it now. Work is finished, and there's only a few days left before I move onto the next job. I am really enjoying this week off though - I wonder if I could delay my start for another couple of weeks?!

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