All things Blipable....

By Tina


Whilst sorting through old photos i found a letter i wrote to my Mum & dad in Feb 1994.
It bought back a multitude of memories for me..
Alex was 3 and a half.. we were waiting to go on our draft to Barbados..but it wasnt 100% confirmed.. and we had also been referred for yet more investigations for infertility.

It took 4 years for us to conceive Alex.. and i miscarried in june 92, at 14 weeks!

happy times.. sad times.. times of upheaval.

Little did i know ..we would go to May 94, then my mum passed away in October..
such sad yet amazingly happy days..
im so pleased i found this letter..

it makes me soo very grateful for what i have and who i have in my life..


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