Hello (upside down) world!

Another day indoors as the sleet, snow and rain belted down outside and made inroads into getting rid of the snow mountains. Still, I've had a great day with the girls who have both been so well behaved considering they've had very little time away from here in the past month. Not that Ophelia is really bothered or even aware, I should think.

Hubby managed to escape to go to the movies today, though he arrived back earlier than expected. I'll leave it for him to explain.

Ophelia is doing really well. She's already longer and bigger than Grace was at over 3 months (Ophelia is now just turned 7 weeks old). She is also a dream to look after, as long as she is kept into a structured routine. Easier said than done, I know, and yesterday was a bit of a nightmare in that respect, but we're back on track today. Please let this continue!!!

Yesterday's mousemat was from 'the Big Bang Theory', which is Hubby and I's favourite tv show right now

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