
By Brotographer

At the street corner, waiting

Around the time I took this photo, there was less than 24 hours left before the unofficial end of my degree. More like 12 hours. Nothing's changed from the beginning, I'm still taking photos out of the window on those many days where there's a lack of inspiration flowing.
On the other hand, the Renewables exam today went really well and there's only one exam left now. Most of the Fort boys are done. Just Team Longtail left with Dynamics and Eve who's got an exam on Saturday. It was quiet in the Fort in the afternoon today, as Ali, Kwis and me trudged through the many dynamics examples we knew could show up again in the exam. Little did we know how beautiful tomorrow would be... But in the meantime, this photo sort of sums up the atmosphere in general pre-final-exam. Also, turns out my motivational speeches work surprisingly well on some people and equally as bad on others...

It's been a good haul in the Fort. Today was the last full day ever. Tomorrow is the last day we'll be there. Stupidly enough, I'm gonna miss it and I'm pretty sure the others will too.


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