Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Busy bee!

Today's Blip had to be a busy bee! We were getting the last things ready this morning, fish finger sandwiches for lunch and left just after 13:00. Luckily my parents were out when we called in the way past as we just made it past an overturned caravan on the M5. The towing Land Rover was jackknifed and just it's front near side wheel on the Tarmac. Shortly after the M5 was closed! One more delay from rubber neckers with a 7 mile tailback for those poor souls. A refreshment stop at Exeter services and a chewy steak at Marsh Mills Beefeater. Just four more miles to the ferry terminal at Plymouth so plenty of time before the 23:00 sailing.

Busy bees! Yes we were but tomorrow once the awning is up we can relax and go for a swim. Can't wait!

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