Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Garage art

My last full day here before I leave and there is nothing I would rather do more than simply relax and enjoy it at home. I packed, went for a walk, fretted too much, then calmed down again, took care of odds and ends, layed in the winter sunshine, and enjoyed the coziness of the wood stove with my family. My dad cooked ribs on the grill, homemade cornbread, salad, and some wine. It was a pretty spectacular send off dinner and my brother even made it out to the house to join us. He works all the time and I am proud of him and his job, the head chef of one of the finest restaurants in the city at only 25, though I wish I saw him more and he had more time off for himself.

Its hard to make plans with Eric but I would really like to do a trip with him as a way of hanging out and bonding more. We are so different from one another, yin and yang truly. Our personalities, temperaments, and even looks are markedly opposite and yet we are brothers and there is no one else in the world who I share so much with historically or biologically speaking. He has never traveled or left Virginia much like I did and I feel it would be so good for him to get away for a little bit and expose himself to something wholly different just for the experience. Its now or never I feel and I'm trying to talk him into something this summer. We will see. For now I'm just enjoying my last night at home before leaving again. Gathered around the woodstove basking in the warmth of home and family, joking with my dad, and chatting with my mom. Oh, I wish I didn?t have to go so soon!

Its been so nice...Dad renovated and repainted the garage recently. Talking fish, plastic owls, flower pots of golf balls, and welding glasses...oh yes, this is garage art at its finest...

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