
Well decided that I'd give a cycling group a go for once. Last time I properly covered a cycling event was 2 years ago and made nearly nothing from it.

This morning thought I'd have another shot, problem is that these events mess up the pass anyway, so I'm onto a loser whether I cover it or not. But, with a different lens, maybe I'll get lucky. Plus I'm up against the event photographer....

What I've noticed though with official photographers is that they take an age to get their material online, sometimes months. We though will have 5,500 photographs (hopefully) online late tonight. BEAT THAT.

Hand is in agony from the lens though, really considering whether I should invest in say a 70-200L just for these events, and keep the 35-350L as my daily lens. Shooting 5k in 2 hours is hard work (although not as hard as cycling up a mountain).

Anyway, splitting the day in two. Computer can sort first 5,500 whilst I try and make sense of the afternoon with the normal bikers.

No idea what the colour rendition of this blip is like - I'll see the horror of the added contrast tonight on a proper screen. (This one got done from the server).

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